Sexy costumes for women and men

Show off your sensual side with these sexy costumes. Turn a safe costume for women or men into a provocative outfit, so that you can feel like the prettiest or most handsome of them all at the next Carnival, Halloween or birthday party you're invited to. Any costume can be transformed into a sexy costume. Imagine your favourite superheroine, now add a little fantasy, imagination, glitter and... voilá! At Funidelia, you will find different versions of sexy costumes for women and men: sexy nurse costumes, sexy police costumes, the most daring Halloween costumes... You will find the most daring ones in our "sexy Fever costumes" selection, which includes dresses, jumpsuits, overlays, mini skirts and even erotic costumes. Of course, you can also transform yourself into the most wanted at the Carnival with hundreds of sexy costumes that we have for men, such as a French sailors or brave firefighters. You can complete your sexy costume with any kind of accessory so you can achieve the perfect look. Every costume needs a few accessories to make it even sexier... Go for it!
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